Displaying 1 - 30 of 256 in total

Episode 200: The Vault Of Something

The party continues their exploits in the city of Caliphas. The day of the Cathedral finally arrives and it is time for Min to be inducted into the Esoteric Order of t...

Episode 199: His Late Uncle

The group continues their exploration of the city of Caliphas. They continue their investigation into the Whispering Way as well as several of the artifacts they have ...

Episode 198: Old Man Min

The group discovers that there might be a serial killer on the loose. A string of a dozen murders have left the local authorities scratching their heads. Our adventure...

Episode 197: I Don't Control Anything

The party continues their tour of the city and are in the search of lodging when Rylan directs them to the HQ of his cavalier order! New friends are made and a very im...

Episode 196: Bargain Whales

After the close call in the fight with the Dullahan, our adventurers finally find themselves within the city of Caliphas! With many places of interest and people to me...

Episode 195: A Swing And A Whiff

The fight with the dullahan continues to rage on the bridge. Feyven lays helpless on the ground as the dire wolves close in on their prey. Can our heroes pull it toget...

Episode 194: Philip Hates Batman

The party is on their way to Caliphas!! With an extra terrestrial threat behind them, our heroes set their sights on the next task at hand; traveling to the capital ci...

Episode 193 - Part 3: Tale Of The Dragon Slayer

In the climactic finale to the B-Cast story, our brave militia faces off against a dragon. Lines are firmly drawn in the sand as the party members are forced to choose...

Episode 193 - Part 2: I Am Ageless

The plot thickens and the mystery deepens as to what is going on in Tamrivena. The divide in the military seems to be much bigger than originally thought. Alliances ar...

Episode 193 - Part 1: You're The Best Around

Once more into the fray with our loveable side show cast! This time we see our militia men and woman make the long trek back to Tamrivena under the orders given by Cap...

Episode 192: Cult Talk

The party have all leveled up and Spencer the HR Manager returns to the office to check in on our brave adventurer's newly acquired skills! Hard decisions must be made...

Episode 191: Too Generous At Christmas

The Black Feather Few face off against their most dangerous foe! A final battle in the Skum Tunnels ensues, a life or death situation for our brave heroes, and failure...

Episode 190: We Have A Weiner!

The party enters the large glass dome seen earlier, and are horrified to find human experimentation in progress. Our heroes try everything in their power to finally pu...

Episode 189: Do Sasquatch Celebrate National Pass Gas Day?

A horrifying discovery is made deep into the tunnels of the skum that leaves the party shaken, and wondering just how much more they can take. The Mi-Go must be stoppe...

Episode 188: God's Bargain Bin Gift

The party faces off against a mysterious Skum cleric and his followers as they continue to press deeper into the tunnels in their search for the mayor. An incredible d...

Behind The Curtain 47: Welcome To Vault - Interview w/The Vault RPG Team

Spencer got the chance to sit down and interview an incredible group of people who are currently working on their own TTRPG called Vault RPG, an incredible new system ...

Episode 187: A Game Breaking Kerchunk

Min suffers a devastating blow as his magic backfires on him. The party continues to suffer at the hands of these alien creatures. Time is growing short, and the Mayor...

Slashing Through The Swamp - Episode 3: Behead And Maul With Gouges Of Folly - We Be Goblins

It is time for the party to face off against the cannibal goblin Vorka and her disgusting minions! In this quest for honor and glory, our misfit heroes have one final ...

Slashing Through The Swamp - Episode 2: We Claw Spider With These Stabby Paws - We Be Goblins

The Goblin troupe is back to start their quest for the missing Desnan Candles! While loudly traversing through the forest they are accosted by the Licktoe Tribe's Boge...

Slashing Through The Swamp - Episode 1: There's No Face That Groans For The Razor Maze - We Be Goblins

The GOTA Family plays through the extremely famous, and highly popular Paizo module We Be Goblins! Mom takes the reins as the GM for this very special, not so Christma...

Episode 186: Poo Poo Cachoo

What's behind door number one!? The party is forced to fight for their lives against a deadly alien foe, one that appears to be highly intelligent, and capable of cutt...

Episode 185: I'm A Fun Guy

Feyven is beset upon by a new creature, and the party is forced into a fight they were not expecting. Deep in the caves beneath Lake Encarthan, our heroes begin to pie...

Episode 184: Shaken Skum Syndrome

The party faces off against EVEN MORE SKUM in a fight that they are completely outnumbered. It's time to pull out all the stops, use the big spells, swing the big axes...

Behind The Curtain 46: Tondro Time - Interview w/Jason

Spencer had the distinct pleasure of getting to chat with Jason Tondro, a very talented individual who also happens to find himself on the Paizo payroll. Jason is a fo...

Behind The Curtain 45: Welcome To The Carnival - Interview w/James

Join us for another interview! Our guest James is from the UK making him our very first international guest! James is the founder and GM on the Cursed Dice Podcast. Li...

Episode 183: The D23 Club

The party faces off against a group of horrific skum, whose physical alterations leave the party reeling, and wondering what else could possibly be in these tunnels wi...

Episode 182: Does This Feel Like Home?

The party faces off against even more other worldly horrors as they enter the Skum Tunnels. One of the party members faces a debilitating blow during a viscous combat!...

Episode 181: Sushi Charcuterie

The party pulls together when one of their own begins to struggle and protection of them becomes paramount. Another fight deep beneath the surface of Lake Encarthan en...

Episode 180: Die GOTA!!

On their way to the base of the Tern Rocks, the Black Feather Few face off against a strange, magical Devilfish, 200 feet under the surface of Lake Encarthan. The enco...

Behind The Curtain 44: Coloring Outside The Lines - Interview w/Tom

Come listen to Spencer interview Tom from the Non-Standard Action show! Tom tells us all about his origin story in the world of Table Top Role Playing Games! Tom is th...

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